Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Why I chose to take Nursing

My senior year in high school I was very anxious and overwhelmed with the thought of choosing an area of study and choice of career. There were multiple schools with very astonishing academic history, which left me with a choice that petrified me. Health science was a field that I was very interested in at the time, along with the thought that I would love to teach others. As time passed I made the formal decision that I would take a year off. This year would be to ensure that the career choice I made was best suited for me. The year I returned I had the opportunity of taking both a cooperative placement in a teaching field and at the Brockville General Hospital. Within days of being in the hospital I knew that it was where I wanted to be and nursing was the correct career choice for me. I felt compelled to the career. Nurses worked with patients to achieve health and wellness, it seemed like such an extraordinary and rewarding process that I really wanted to become a part of.



Hi Shannon,
I found that the reason to become a nurse was quite difinitive for me as well. I guess it either something a person will love or hate - not much grey in between. Still enjoying your choice?

Angie! said...

Shannon, that's a great way to approach your future in nursing. We learn a lot about burn out and exhaustion, but with your enthusiasm you should not have a problem! Keep up the positive thinking.